It is said that the company has received permission Ministry of Forests covering tens of thousands of hectares to be HTI, but did not get approval from the local mamak ninik. This rejection was revealed during grand meeting digelarnya and breaking of fast with Meranti Bay community with a number of NGO activists.
NGOs were present among others, the Director of Scale Up Zazali Ahmad, Assistant Advocacy and lobby Sumatra Nature Foundation Zikra Albion, and Joni Setiawan Mundung (WALHI) and Reny Natural Ark Foundation.
Mohammed Yusuf (40), one of the traditional leaders in the Gulf of Meranti, in the meeting to explain why the leaders did not approve the construction of HTI in the Kampar Peninsula.
Among other changes to the threat of forest ecosystems, which from previous experience, these changes lead to more environmental destruction and disappearance of species of plants, animals and fish. This is certainly a big impact on the community economy. In addition to ongoing land conflict that ultimately resulted in defeat of indigenous land. Then, just as important is the threat of disasters such as floods, erosion and even climate change.
''For me personally, there are two things we need to point out first, we must dare to defend the death of our village, the forests in Kampar Peninsula is our right, so that from this moment we must think of our children and grandchildren to come. We will run out of fish, not easy given the lure,'' so as to deliver a speech in the meeting.
He also asked the public to not be easily persuaded by the lure of a promising company with a pattern of oil palm plantations KKPA.
Indeed, according to residents the day after the meeting, Saturday (12 / 9), son of the owner of PT RAPP Andre Tanoto visit to the Gulf in the event Caring Meranti Ramadan. Andre gave the picture frame of food and money to the public, but according to Muhammad Yusuf, the community is able to read the intention behind the provision, namely the support and blessing of PACO build HTI in the region. ''What was there the day after meeting his son grand Sukamto Tanoto, owner of RAPP,'' said Albion Zikra from Sumatra Nature Foundation.
According to Rahmoden, of society other Meranti Bay, HTI rejection letters have been posted on the community wilyah to the office of PT RAPP. But do not get a response because, in the near future will be posted a second letter.
According Rahmoden, this second letter contains the first letter of confirmation of rejection. Then the company must not make any operation until a formal agreement of all the citizens of the Gulf of Meranti. ''Just before there is agreement with all of society, our permanent presence PACO starting,''he said.
In response to public complaints, director of Scale Up Zazali Ahmad had promised to assist the public in order not to break the charcoal in defending their interests and rights. A number of NGOs working in the field of environment both nationally and internationally has also provided support to the struggle Meranti Bay community in saving resources and community life of natural forests in Kampar Peninsula peat.
PR RAPP Nandik Sufaryono when asked if there were concessions company in Kampar Peninsula and rejected society, claiming not to know. ''I'll check first with the technical part,''said Nandik Sufaryono when contacted via cell phone Friday (13 / 9).
Yet he justifies the existence of a family visit to the Gulf Meranti Tanoto last Saturday. It's just not visiting thinks Andre Tanoto, but a family who were present in the Gulf Meranti, I also was present,''said Nandik.
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