In addition to providing physical assistance, the government is expected to prepare a capital program for economic recovery Sumbar. "About six months, economic conditions Sumbar will return as before. Now it's time we stood up. Bertangis No time-cry again," he said in the Governorates West Sumatra, on Sunday (11/10).
He himself, as a businessman convinced the public character of West Sumatra will not linger in the fall. When compared with Aceh and Yogja, he expects West Sumatra can also equal treatment. Where entrepreneurs are given capital between Rp 10 million or Rp16 million just so they could start again.
If the current recovery in terms of community physical and mental, after that, the government must also think to restore the business world. After that, the business capital needs to be strengthened by providing capital assistance. "So, we need to encourage the parliament to grant funding worth Rp 5, 6 trillion for the reconstruction of West Sumatra," he continued.
According to him, the economic recovery of West Sumatra had to be done quickly within the next few months. At least, within six months will be better with the support of all parties. Related pascagempa Sumbar economic recovery, the APINDO in West Sumatra is also intended to help to revive the economy Sumbar.
Meanwhile, some residents claim to be disappointed with the performance of the verification team to check the feasibility of people's homes after the earthquake. Because some of the verification, the team from 9 agencies was assessed not represent the real conditions in the field. The house was not considered citizens remain habitable habitable labeled.
Ria (32), RT 01 RW 10 Gunung Berok Ria (32), RT 01 RW 10 Jalan Bulan Rambun Mount Pangilun admitted Berok the concrete house was vanish due to the earthquake. The concrete bottom is broken, the walls and roof had collapsed most. But the immediate family to do simple repairs. Broken foundation organized to support the makeshift clapboard that had collapsed.
"Oddly enough verification assessment team is still habitable. And this house had collapsed and one with the land. It's just improved much," he told RPG, yesterday (11/10), pointing to a yellow paper taped to the wall and marked as suitable for habitation.
So did neighbors Ria, Hasbullah (55), two-storey house collapsed on top, walls, pillars and floor front bagin broken. Building the right hand was broken tops, and the horses just made of simple wood to prop up the tin roof on it. But the team still provide verification habitable condition carefully.
Disappointed with the results of such verification, direct Hasbullah tear and throw yellow paper bearing these habitable. "They have come from a technical institute and PT. Should be more keen to see what is suitable for habitation and which are not," he said. This sort of thing could have happened not only in Berok Mount Pangilun but other areas badly damaged condition.
West Sumatra Governor Gamawan Fauzi admitted his side was down 700 members of the verification team from a number of houses Higher Education (PT) to register and verify eligibility. The team will work for 14 days starting from Monday (5 / 11) until Ahadu (18/11) to come. Funds needed to verify the reach Rp1, 7 billion.
"We've Rp600 million," he said. Problem of citizen complaints against the results of the verification mention Gamawan PT and technical teams certainly know better than to assess the feasibility of the building. "We just do not know is why an independent agency be submitted to the PT," he said. A number of PT is involved in the verification team of University of Newcastle (Unand), University of Bung Hatta (UBH) and University Putra Indonesia (UPI).
Data verification team, said Gamawan, which will be used as a reference for post-emergency reconstruction. Gamawan also admitted confused with the complaints of the residents have not received logistical support.
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