The Smuggling of Chinese Products Foiled

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pekanbaru -  Police Directorate of Water (Ditpolair) Regional Police (Polda) Riau on Monday (11/10) last night managed to thwart the attempts of various products from China through the ports of the people in Siak River, Pekanbaru.
In the near future will be handed over smuggling case investigation file to the Customs and Excise Pekanbaru, on behalf of the AA, the skipper Vessel Motor (KM) Dinasty Jaya.
Director Polair Riau Police, Comr (Pol) Zainal Paliwang met reporters in the SPN Pekanbaru, Thursday (14/10), mentions the unfolding of this case originated from the information the Port of Batam."The information we received, imported Chinese goods that enter through the Port of Batam. However, to avoid tax or excise, manifesnya removed from the Port Tanjungpinang," he said.

Zainal added that after receiving information from the Port of Batam, the institute directly interceptions and surveillance in the waters of Riau. When entering the waters of Riau, the direct Polair arrest and escorted the ship into port KM Jaya Dinasty Sei Duku people in Pekanbaru.

When searched items contained in the vessel does not conform with the manifest. It should, because the goods that enter through the Port of Batam, which issued the document or the manifest is the local Adpel. Goods diselundupan Chinese products such as various types of electric lamps and toys various forms.
"If the manifest issued by the Adpel Tanjungpinang that means, the goods in without paying taxes or duties. The suspect could be snared by Law No. 7 of 2006 concerning Kepabeaan, "he said.
Under this law, the suspect threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of one year and maximum imprisonment of 10 years, and a criminal fine of at least 50,000,000, and a maximum of 5,000,000,000. 

Indonesia Lack SMK Thousand Teachers

Saturday, August 21, 2010

JAKARTA - Director of Vocational High School Ministry of National Education, Joko Sutrisno, mengungkapan that current vocational needs of teachers or educators of teachers earning as much as 32 400 people.

The teacher needs to meet the teacher shortage subject areas of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries, accretion and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, construction, trade, hotels and restaurants, transport and communications, finance, leasing and business services.

"The need is real productive vocational school teachers as much as 32 400 people. Educators on the needs for vocational school level. This is expected to foster students' learning outcomes with PMS and teachers can directly productive and produce goods. Even better if you can bring students directly into the working world," explained Ricardo when met at Building Kemendiknas, Jakarta, Friday (20/8).

Joko explained that to overcome the shortage of vocational teachers (especially skilled) is conducted with assistance programs. Efforts are made of them by holding a polytechnic or Institute of Education and Education Workforce, or the final year students who parachuted onto the field for teaching at vocational schools. "It means, at least Educator Education Workforce Institute must carry out the education profession," said Joko.

In addition, Joko also mentioned, there are several alternatives that can be done in overcoming the shortage of teachers this vocation. One is working with the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment (minister) and the Local Government (Government) in order to procurement of Civil Servants (PNS) for vocational teachers for CMS.

"It could also require a high school teacher with a small number of students to be moved to a vocational school or use a conversion. Namely, high school teachers trained in computer learning mathematics then they are recruited into the computer teachers at vocational schools or even with the use of teacher aides, " said Joko.

Wilmar Mangrove Planting in Côte Selinsing

Friday, July 16, 2010

DUMAI -- Concern for the environment evidenced by PT Wilmar Group. Thursday (15 /7) afternoon yesterday, a company located in Dumai Industrial Area, District Medang Kampai, the spread of about 1250 tree seedlings along the coast mangrov Selinsing Village, District Medang Kampai.

Not only aims to prevent further erosion of sea water that erodes the land. Mangrove planting was also devoted to expedite the livelihoods of the fishermen. "It's mangrove forests have an important role for the life of marine animals such as fish and shrimp. So more and more mangrove plants, the fishermen were getting easier and a lot of the fish or shrimp," says Public Relations of PT Wilmar Group, Manumpak Manurung, Thursday (15 /7).

Planting was begun in the area that has begun to erode the beach. Manumpak Manurung, together, the ranks of PT Wilmar Group, such as PGA PT Wilmar Group Manager Agus Subchan Dumai, started planting it. Followed later, representatives Adimistrator Port (Adpel Dumai), Head of the Police Sector (Police) Medang Kampai, PPA Razif, Lurah Selinsing, Hanafi, community representatives and the fishermen.

"Previously, there was never mangrove planting conducted by government or private parties. This activity is clearly beneficial to the public, especially fishermen. Because, fish and shrimp, usually many nest in mangrove forests," said village headman, Selinsing, Hanafi, told the Tribune.

He also hoped that the environmental care activities, followed by other agencies. "Because, abrasion here is very worrying. Not only damage the environment, livelihoods not promise any more," he said.

Mangrove planting will be concentrated, focused to a point that has been affected by coastal erosion. To maintain consistency for its caring, PT Wilmar entrust the maintenance and development of prophylactic abrasion the tree to the NGO Cinta Alam Bahari. Environmentalists institution which has been proved to preserve the mangrove to grow big.

"Planting of mangroves is an appeal the Director General of Sea Transportation, so the response given by PT Wilmar this, we welcome. And hopefully be able to follow other agencies," said Representative Adpel Dumai, Syafruddin.